
Workshops & Facilitation

Mentorship & Coaching

Jonah is available to work with educators, activists, artists, and anyone else trying to bring  transformative work into the world through any number of models of partnership.

There is a lot of language around “coaching models” that can be useful and can get in the way of authentic work. If you find the models useful, session offerings could include one time or ongoing reflective partner sessions, individual mentoring or coaching sessions, leadership support and strategic planning sessions. If you find models and “coaching” language limiting, be in touch to figure out a beneficial way of connecting that feels most authentic to you.

Jonah is available to work with your team to design a workshop that addresses the needs of your staff/community/organization. Workshop topics can include: working through conflict, relationship building, equity & justice, strategy & design.

* Equity workshops are co-facilitated. Because of the nature of this work I believe that it is important for the work to be carried out in partnership both so that all of the needs of the group can be met, and so that multiple perspectives can be shared, biases can be avoided, and partnership can be modeled.


Curriculum Design

Jonah is practiced in designing curriculum for schools, summer camps, adult learning programs, and community organizations. He is available to work with your team to design curriculum, workshop sessions, programs & projects. Be in touch to start a conversation.

Immersive Experience

Jonah is available to design a fully immersive experience for your staff, community, or organization. These experiences can be in person, online, outdoors, or in any other setting and structure we can imagine.